But if you work within its limitations, which are very real and annoying to many, it produces excellent results. WS isn't what it could or even should be. I wish I had better answers for you than what's been posted in this thread already, but I don't. Why it would even render out with blue bars on the clip (yep, it's happened to me too) instead of just doing the analyze during the render in Media Encoder is beyond my understanding. In fact, it's the most obvious question to anyone who is using this program. The OP's question is not at all a stupid question. I've paid quite a lot of money for Adobe software and just because I refuse to chain my wallet to paying for CC does not mean that I - or anyone else - should have to settle for amateur "features". I'm getting so tired of people on these forums just making excuses for Adobe's mistakes and incompetence.

Why is there no way to just say "ok, analyze everything" and go do something else? Why do I have to sit on my butt and babysit my computer to analyze every single thing sequentially? That's Windows Movie Maker level performance.Ībsolutely this is Adobe's responsibility to keep up with the curve. And you have to wait until each clip has finished analyzing to begin the next one. Oh, but you need to click analyze for every single individual clip. No problem, easily fixed with warp stabilizer right? Yeah, sure, no problem. I have shot many videos like this, but for some reason, today, my camera decided to lose control of its IS while on tripod and the image drifts all over the place.

I have a sequence that has an A-Roll talking head main line in 74 different segments/clips. And since CS6 appears to be the last real version of Production Premium and I'm not budgeted for Master Collection/CC subscription pricing BS, from where I stand, this problem needs to be addressed. Personally, I'd rather someone was nasty and called me names, but answered the actual question. What is worse Jeff? Retarded, half-baked answers about a half-baked module in Premiere or snarkiness?